This is the approval definition for the following topics: * ControlledTopicExample ---+++ State table This is an example of the state table. For more information, see %SYSTEMWEB%.ApprovalPlugin#The_State_Table. | *State* | *Allow Edit* | *Message* | | REJECTED | | This document is waiting to be sent to the Stage Reviewers for review. | | WAITINGFORREVIEW | | This document is waiting to be reviewed by the Stage Reviewers. | | REVIEWED | | This documented has been reviewed. It is now waiting to be sent to the Stage Approvers for approval. | | WAITINGFORAPPROVAL | | This document is waiting to be approved by the Stage Approvers. | | APPROVED | | This document has been approved! No more actions can be carried out on this document. | ---+++ Transition table This is an example of the transition table, which defines the relationship between the states. For more information, see %SYSTEMWEB%.ApprovalPlugin#The_Transition_Table. | *State* | *Action* | *Next State* | *Allowed* | *Notify* | *Sign Off's (%)* | | REJECTED | Send For Review | WAITINGFORREVIEW | | | | | WAITINGFORREVIEW | Reviewed | REVIEWED | | | 50% | | WAITINGFORREVIEW | Rejected | REJECTED | | | 0% | | REVIEWED| Send For Approval | WAITINGFORAPPROVAL | | | 50% | | WAITINGFORAPPROVAL | Approved | APPROVED | | | 50% | | WAITINGFORAPPROVAL | Rejected | REJECTED | | | 0% | ---+++ Additional Preferences Below are additional preferences which can be displayed in any topic under approval control. * Set MYPREF = My very own preference!
This topic: Sandbox
Topic revision: r1 - 2009-05-16 - 19:07:43 -
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